Simply take my old mobile number and add 1,134,866,492 to it, and you’ll have my new one.
New Phone
I have finally acceded to the march of technology and got a new mobile phone. It’s quite an upgrade for me because my old phone is a Nokia 2115i and the new one is an HTC Evo. Here’s your obligatory pic of the unpackaging. I’m looking forward to speedy 4G coverage in LA and messing… Continue reading New Phone
Little Bro is home
Archie came home on Thursday and the screw-turning is now complete (we did the last couple of turns at home). He’s had one paediatrician appointment and tomorrow we’ll be making an appointment for him to get the other screw removed. With any luck that will be soon. He’s doing well and is pretty mellow, all… Continue reading Little Bro is home
Quick update
The op today went well, and now he has a nose trumpet in rather than an ET tube. So that must be a bit more comfortable for the little guy. Now, we wait another 7 days for the distraction to run its course (again).
Latest – a setback
The plate that is in the left side of Archie’s jaw broke a couple of days ago. This has caused his jaw on that side to slip back by some millimetres. The rod is partly sticking out and the asymmetry of his jaw is visible from the outside. So after an x-ray it has been… Continue reading Latest – a setback
Tubes out
Archie is doing well and as you can see he’s been extubated for a day or two now. He has been in a bit of pain what with the jaw stuff coming off again, so he’s got some meds for that and also probably as a consequence of that he didn’t fully cooperate with a… Continue reading Tubes out
Archie’s progress
This morning was the last turn of the screws. They have reached the predetermined end of their travel. Archie’s scheduled to have the hardware removed on Tuesday. It’s made a huge difference to his jaw, as you can see from this photo taken a couple of days ago. Otherwise everything is going well. He’s feeding… Continue reading Archie’s progress
I sometimes play Boggle at work. I usually lose to the resident Boggle players who are more experienced (at least lately) and have the 4-and-5-letter-words in L1 cache. But sometimes I get to pull out a good word. Often a Britishism which sometimes passes muster with Merriam-Webster, our official arbiter. The other day I spotted… Continue reading Boggle
The machines
This is Archie’s ventilator. As you can see it’s on very low settings because his lungs are working just fine. The 21 in the lower right is the percentage of oxygen he’s on – i.e. normal air. (He’s actually on a slightly higher setting now post-op because he’s on narcotics for pain which can depress… Continue reading The machines
Pre-op pic
Here’s Archie chilling in a new onesie. He’s pretty good at getting the “mittens” off and loves to pull on his tubes. After the op he is now sporting something like a large rigid armband over one elbow to stop him doing that.