Today was mini-Elbeno’s first day at school! He actually went in yesterday for an hour with Mrs Elbeno to get a feel for the place, but today was the first real day being dropped off and spending the whole morning there. He had a great time! In other news, Mrs Elbeno picked up The Beatles… Continue reading School
New PC
Today I put together a new PC. I was due for an upgrade since it’s been about 4 years since I upgraded, perhaps 5. Here’s the specs in brief: Intel i7 920 12GB RAM 2 x 640GB HDD nVidia GTX 275 I went for a decent multicore CPU (i7 920 represents the best price/performance point… Continue reading New PC
Cleaning up at school
Mini-Elbeno starts his new school next week and last weekend I went over there to join the staff and some other parents in a cleanup session. First was wheeling up some recycle bins and filling them full of old pairs of jeans which the kids had collected previously for a jeans recycling project. Then I… Continue reading Cleaning up at school
Blizzcon 2009
Blizzcon was awesome. Last year was cool, but this year as a Blizzard employee it was amazing to be buoyed by all that positive fan energy. It was sensory overload in the coolest way possible. During the opening announcements and trailers the hall was literally shaking with sound at times; it was a physical experience… Continue reading Blizzcon 2009
Micro-Elbeno is on the way!
This rather indistinct pic was a lot clearer when it was in realtime. But if you know what you’re looking for, you can see the baby lying at the bottom, head on the left and arm & leg buds pointing up.
I’m still alive
Haven’t blogged in ages. Here’s a quick update from the Elbeno household. The movie at the quarterly company show-and-tell was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which I enjoyed. Can’t wait for the 7th movie(s) and I have re-read books 6, 4 and 7 in the last week or two. We have been enjoying warm… Continue reading I’m still alive
Happy Solstice
…and Father’s day, if applicable. I’m actually over a day late now… I spent a pleasant day with the family, and trying to keep a cold at bay.
Things You Didn’t Know Had Another Name
Under the general heading of “Oh, so that’s what it is! I never realised,” picture this. It’s late 70s/early 80s Britain. You can’t sleep, so get up at some infeasibly early time, grab your morning stimulant of choice and settle down in the lounge to see what’s on TV. Not much, in this pre-dawn, pre-breakfast-TV… Continue reading Things You Didn’t Know Had Another Name
While the mini-Elbeno and I were horsing around today, he managed to get me in the eye with a fingernail. Luckily our next door neighbour is an optometrist, and she took me down to her office tonight to check it out. So I have a scratched cornea, not too bad – although it is painful.… Continue reading Ow
I’m Jaunty
A pretty smooth upgrade – Freeciv(-client-gtk) seemed to barf, so I just uninstalled it. The new Amarok is nice, even if the jaunty version isn’t totally up-to-the-minute. I did have to install phonon-backend-xine though. LLVM is v2.5, hurrah! GHC is still v6.8.2, boo.