…to use a hopefully somewhat generic term; or whatever you call that thing that sits at the edge of your screen and has icons for stuff that you launch a lot? Not the menu(s), the single-click launches. Or if you roll that way, what do you have hotkeys for? Here’s mine: Firefox – been using… Continue reading What’s on your “quickstart bar”
The next Big Thing is not a Big Thing
It seems lately (for the last six months or so) that I keep running into tech news about social networking sites. Myspace, Murdoch, Facebook, Zuckerberg. Trading soundbites and claiming that they’re hot and others are not. Myspace peaked, Facebook overtook, everyone’s wondering what’s around the corner or who will be next to take the social… Continue reading The next Big Thing is not a Big Thing
Summer of Love
It’s 2008, so what better way to celebrate a new millennium’s twist on the summer of love concept than by remixing 1968 vs 1988? Break out the bittorrent and chill out to the stylings of Buffalo Springfield VS 808 State VS Deee-Lite VS Prince VS Duran Duran…
Sorry about the lack of bloggage lately. I’ve been busy buying a house. We closed escrow and everything, and we’re moving next week. Can’t wait until next weekend when it’ll all be over, relatively speaking. In other news, Mike Vanier’s Foundational Programming Languages made the front page of Proggit today. Reading it was oddly familiar.… Continue reading Update
Book Meme
Here are the Top 100 Most Popular Books on LibraryThing. Bold what you own, italicize what you’ve read. Star what you liked. Star multiple times what you loved! 1. Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone by J.K. Rowling (32,484) * 2. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6) by J.K. Rowling (29,939) * 3.… Continue reading Book Meme
Another book sale last weekend. A bit light on technical books this time, but I did snag quite a quantity of old SF paperbacks, and a box set of software engineering classics. Of late, I’ve had some unsolicited interest in RotateAVI. There is a reported bug that causes it to hang on 0% though –… Continue reading Miscellanea
Antifeatures, and two requests to Google
I’ve been reading some noise on the wire lately about anti-features. Benjamin Mako Hill, who seems to have coined the term, writes: “Anti-features are sold to customers as features but are fundamental or unavoidable aspects of systems that can only be removed or withheld through technological effort.” In other words, anti features are things that… Continue reading Antifeatures, and two requests to Google
e-book reader
I got an e-book reader for my birthday! It’s very shiny. Comparable to the weight of a small hardback, with an internal memory of 200MB (doesn’t sound a lot, but novels don’t take up much space), and expansion slots for SD and Memory Stick Pro Duo. The e-ink technology is impressive – I checked it… Continue reading e-book reader
Gasoline prices comparison
My regular gas station in West LA is running just under $4.40 a (US) gallon right now. My dad’s regular petrol station in South London is £1.30 a litre, which is about $9.70 a gallon.
End of the Vacation
Sunday was another rest day: we went to Crystal Palace Park in the morning, and in the afternoon we had a birthday tea to celebrate the family birthday coincidence. Monday was my actual birthday, and now that half term was over, we headed back to the Natural History Museum for a much better look at… Continue reading End of the Vacation