
They say soon we will run out of helium. Most people think, “What’s the big dealium? So our voices won’t squeak When we inhale a leak – Balloons will just lose some appealium.” But balloons aren’t the sole use of helium: For industrial stuff, it’s idealium. When released without thought, It can never be caught,… Continue reading Helium

Categorized as Poetry

My Experiences with Radioactive Elements

I’ve recently been reading about the elements, and particularly about the rarer ones. Radioactive elements tend to be among the rarer ones on earth. In my life, not counting glow-in-the-dark radium dials/paint, radon emissions from e.g. granite, or other household traces of radioisotopes, I’ve had two interesting encounters with radioactive elements. The first time I… Continue reading My Experiences with Radioactive Elements


Sorry for the relative blog silence recently. Here’s what I’ve been doing lately: Buying stuff at the local library book sale last weekend. Old maths textbooks FTW! Puzzling over how to approximate spirals with Bézier curves. Or otherwise thinking of a way to draw them. Having lunch with Gary. He actually exists in real life!… Continue reading Miscellanea

Vecto get!

Xach has released version 1.2.1 of Vecto, featuring circle arc paths, and I’m sure a whole lot more on the drawing board. (asdf-install:install :vecto)

Categorized as Lisp

A bit of a new look

I broke out the programmer art skills and tweaked the header image to something a bit nicer than the default, and while I was at it, made myself an icon for the site. If the icon doesn’t show up for you, don’t blame me. Get yourself a standards–compliant browser. I don’t care about your pathetic… Continue reading A bit of a new look

Language memage

OK, this is going to be a strange mix. WHAT DO YOU CALL: 1. A body of water, smaller than a river, contained within relatively narrow banks. A stream. 2. What the thing you push around the grocery store is called. A trolley or a cart. Depends if the back wheels swivel or not… 3.… Continue reading Language memage

Curve and Vector

Curve (com.elbeno.curve) is my common lisp package for doing cool things with two-dimensional curves. In particular, modulating cubic Bézier curves and splines, but also approximating arbitrary elliptical and circular arc segments with cubic Bézier curves. It depends on Vector (com.elbeno.vector), a cobbled together set of functionality for representing and manipulating points on the 2D Cartesian… Continue reading Curve and Vector

Approximating elliptical arcs with Bézier curves

In doing my modulation work with curves and ellipses, I extended the vecto function for drawing an ellipse to enable an oriented ellipse. Lately it occurred to me that this didn’t go far enough in terms of functionality, and I began wondering about how to draw part of an elliptical arc. Vecto’s ellipse drawing function… Continue reading Approximating elliptical arcs with Bézier curves

Functional Fills with Vecto

I’ve been wanting to do exclusive-or functional fill in vecto for a while, so tonight I delved in. I added a pixel function to the graphics state and kept the default as the normal alpha-blending it was already doing. The pixel function signature is a bit clumsy, but it was easy to knock up a… Continue reading Functional Fills with Vecto