Building a MAME cabinet 12

Today I got to work with the ledger boards which will support the monitor shelf and the various panels. To avoid external screw holes, I’m pre-drilling countersink holes on the ledgers from the inside. The first thing I did today was mark all the way around the side 1 1/4″ in from the edge. This… Continue reading Building a MAME cabinet 12

Categorized as MAME

Building a MAME cabinet 11

Another weekend, another bit of work on the old cabinet. It’s starting to come together now. I popped over to Home Depot to pick up another ply blade for the saw, a couple of jigsaw blades to replace the one I’d snapped, and some 1″x2″ oak for ledger boards. At least, I thought it was… Continue reading Building a MAME cabinet 11

Categorized as MAME

That’s my boy!

This morning, mini-Elbeno decided to look at one of Daddy’s books.

Categorized as Books, Linux

Webular lisp

I’ve decided to pick up the reins of lisp again and see if I can’t make some lispy web goodness. So to that end, I installed apache2, mod_lisp2, and did an asdf-install of cl-modlisp tonight. It seems to be correctly installed: next step is to go back to Practical Common Lisp et al and refresh… Continue reading Webular lisp

Building a MAME cabinet 10

Today I did some more work on the cabinet. Little by little, it’s progressing. I figure the trick is just to keep at it. So I tackled the somewhat daunting task of routing a 3/4″ groove at the base of the sides to slot the cabinet base into. I had some trouble attaching the router… Continue reading Building a MAME cabinet 10

Categorized as MAME

Projects update

This morning I did a bit more work on the MAME cabinet. It’s coming along slowly. I now have both sides cut out (and they match each other!) and the slots cut for the t-molding, which I received in the week. The slot cutter bit was too big to fit through my router’s base, so… Continue reading Projects update

IF Comp so far…

Rated: 9 Completed: 1 Still trying to complete: 3 Bugs found: 3

Categorized as Games

The leaders so far

And after the first leg of this thrilling catalogue, Isaac Asimov is way out in front with 33 titles. Bill Bryson is in second place, just edging out Douglas Adams and the chasing pack of Time-Life editors. Collins and Penguin are neck-and-neck vying for the publisher’s cup, and the year 1994 had a very strong… Continue reading The leaders so far

Categorized as Books