I went ahead and bought an XO laptop, aka “One Laptop Per Child”. It’s just the job for kids, and hopefully will bring about some real change in the developing world. It is also just the thing for mini-Elbeno as he grows up – built sturdy but lightweight, with rubberised keys and nifty software. Python, Squeak and Logo – how cool is that?

It’s quite depressing to think that for the amount of money spent by the Bush administration on war, everybody in the world could have bought one of these laptops.

1 comment

  1. Good show! I just read all about them this week. They do seem rather clever in several ways. I think we could all benefit from procedures modeled after those developed for creating things for developing nations, as it provides a rather thick soup of constraints within which inventive people must become even more creative. Please keep your blog, and its readers apprised of your, and mini-Elbeno’s discoveries, and experiences with the device. I have a feeling that a lot of the geeks in our area might pick them up, and you might find many random folks locally in ‘the mesh’ with whom to connect.

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