The game’s fun. I can see it getting repetitive fairly quickly though. Not sure about the longevity, but it’s something I had to play both for fun and for research reasons. It has a ton of features designed to make it easy on the player.
I’d forgotten about the MMORPG crowd. This being my 4th or 5th MMORPG experience, now it’s definitely just a game. When it stops being fun, I’ll quit. I laugh at everyone complaining about lag (half of them can’t even distinguish between network latency, server problems, and poor PC performance). I laugh at people complaining about ninja looting. Most of all I laugh at people trying to claim that there is an implied morality necessary to playing the game. These days, my attitude to all of this is: if the mechanism of the game allows it, fine.
Despite this I am generally a fair and moral player. Perhaps this is born of apathy – I don’t really care enough to foster any strong emotion?