E3 2005: the end of the first day (and the only day I’ll be attending). Got there by carpool just after 9am and parking was no trouble. We got into one of the South Hall parking structures. $10 for the day is very cheap downtown parking between 4! Badge pickup was also quick – just a 5 minute queue. Which meant that I was there at doors open, 10am.
Overall impressions: plenty of shooters, as usual. Also there seemed to be a lot of cel-shaded anime style games: RPGs, beat-em-ups, what have you. It’s the in thing at the moment. Nintendo seems to be innovating. EA has a nice lineup with a mix of driving, action and sports. Square-Enix are still inexplicably stopping people from photographing their screens (so we just go to the Nintendo/Sony/MS stands and photo the Square-Enix games there).
My standouts of the show:
Ghost Recon 3 – for great use of HDR, decent HUD touches and just a well-polished feel.
Gameboy Micro – how small can it get? This is quite shiny.
Burnout Revenge – great fun; it’s a definite for me.
George A. Romero’s City of the Dead – probably the best blend of Havok physics & animation.
Stuff which I couldn’t be bothered to queue for:
PS3 – saw the vids. Awesome, and not just graphically better.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess – Link turns into a werewolf; has somewhat of the Ocarina of Time vibe.
General good stuff:
We Love Katamari – more of the same, new 2-player co-op mode, hope it’s still $20.
DDR Mario Mix – DDR for kids!
Nintendogs & Animal Crossing DS – DS is looking like it’s on my list now.
Disappointment of the show:
XBox 360 – half a dozen titles which look about as good as PC games can now. Hum. And what were they thinking with the white controllers?
“It should have come out already” awards to:
Battalion Wars
(all of which were at last year’s E3 and at least halfway complete then)
Japanese stuff that piqued my interest:
Shadow of the Colossus – the followup to Ico.
Ogami – very interesting brushwork-on-parchment look.
Any one of a half-dozen RPGs (mostly cel-shaded).
Best Babes: The ones in the white tops and tartan skirts were nice. As were the THQ ones.
Worst Babes: Well, I won’t say worst. But Nyko babes were scary this year. And special mention goes out to Ryl, the also-ran MMORPG tucked away in the Kentia Hall (home of wacky peripherals, retro game exhibition, media manufacturers and games that can’t make it to the other halls). I think they overcompensated a bit for the inadequacy of the game – they must have had 8 or 10 babes in skimpy medieval-type garb, who at one stage were all flaked out on the ground outside the Kentia Hall.
Photo gallery. Apologies for some of the shots. One can’t take photos of screens very well with a flash, and without a flash requires a longer exposure. After taking two dozen blurry screen photos, I decided to photo the babes instead. They are happy to pose and smile and they are much easier to get in focus (although I failed with the THQ babes).
Just read a story on the BBC news website reporting on comments from some honcho at E3 – http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4561771.stm –
the gist being basically that the industry needs to do more to attract women to games.
Nothing new in this, but it was interesting to read in conjunction with your photographs – from what I can see, E3 looks like a boy gamers paradise! Babes, indeed.
I need some of those games. And DDR Mario — AAGG! Can you swipe on e for me, please? It's like the genetically-spliced brother we never knew we could have.
Sorry, it's not out yet. And I don't work for Nintendo. So you will have to wait for it to be in stores and buy it yourself. I don't think it has a US release date yet.
I stepped up to play DDR Mario Mix and the Nintendo girl was surprised that I cranked up the difficulty. I wanted to see what it was like. As it turned out, the song I picked (“Here we go”, aka the Mario theme) was quite easy even on hard mode. 108 perfects and 2 greats. Perhaps the difficulty is set for beginners.
I was a little disappointed that the various DDR setups around the show all seemed to be using the soft $20 pads. Not a trace of hard or arcade pads. But at least they taped them down on to a hard surface at the Konami stand.
I am also stoked that Konami are bringing Beatmania to the US! At last!
Though I think I've got enough Beatmania games to last me a while…(upto 9th style now =)
They are *always* scarey! Fake wigs and all. 😛
Sorry I missed you at E3 this year. Maybe next year!