Took my car in for a service on Saturday, and while it was being done I went to see Robots. Good movie! The sort of film I'd like to see again to get all the references I missed first time around. They had fun making this one. Nothing out of the ordinary plotwise, and Ewan… Continue reading Robots
Infrared webcam fun
1. Open up webcam 2. Remove IR filter 3. Insert photo negative material to block visible light 4. Reassemble webcam 5. Play with looking at everyday stuff in the IR spectrum – navy blue fleece turns white! – my eyebrows disappear! – US passport picture page goes blank (except for lettering)! – UK passport first… Continue reading Infrared webcam fun
WoW… same old crowd
The game’s fun. I can see it getting repetitive fairly quickly though. Not sure about the longevity, but it’s something I had to play both for fun and for research reasons. It has a ton of features designed to make it easy on the player. I’d forgotten about the MMORPG crowd. This being my 4th… Continue reading WoW… same old crowd
this weekend
1. I read Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud. Very good. 2. I started playing World of Warcraft. Elbeno is now a level 10 priest. That's also good.
Another blow against Internet anonymity
Via Slashdot: A San Diego research team has developed a method for extracting information about a machine from the timestamps contained in the TCP packets it sends. In summary: Machines will include timestamps in each TCP packet as an option (RFC 1323: TCP Extensions for High Performance) which for most machines is negotiated by default.… Continue reading Another blow against Internet anonymity
I was almost getting withdrawal symptoms…
…it’s been so long since I recompiled the kernel. After going swiftly through 2.6.0 to 2.6.9, I stuck with 2.6.9 for quite a while. For some reason my firewire storage support wasn’t working properly in 2.6.9 (even though my USB storage did). So I just compiled 2.6.10, and now it works. Easy. Sometimes, even with… Continue reading I was almost getting withdrawal symptoms…
Way to go, 17 computer science professors!
Girl Scout Cookies
It’s Girl Scout Cookie season again and I am chomping my way through the thin mints. Also looking forward to those Creme Eggs I picked up!
Nice to see The Incredibles and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind get recognised. And The Aviator was also deserving. The rest – meh.
New bookshelves!
I am now in one of the few periods of my life where the amount of bookshelf space I own is greater than that required for the number of books I own. *cheer* I have a whole 6-foot tall bookcase just waiting to be filled with books.